Military Pentathlon in the framework of the IV World Cadet Games: An example of camaraderie and discipline.

Within the framework of the IV World Cadet Games, the penultimate subdiscipline of the Military Pentathlon has finished: Cross Country. This discipline evaluates physical endurance, running technique, as well as the strategy and tactics of the competitors. In the female category, the athletes had to complete a 4-kilometer course, while the men had to cover 8 kilometers. The competition was held from the facilities of the gymnasium of the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army of Venezuela, which served as the starting and finishing point. The competitors completed the course inside Tiuna Fort, following security measures.

The Military Pentathlon is made up of five subdisciplines: rifle shooting, obstacle course, pool with obstacles, grenade throwing, cross country and field relay with obstacles, the latter of which will be held tomorrow to finish this discipline. Throughout these tests, the athletes have accumulated points both individually and as a group. It is important to note that in this race, the competitors had starting advantages that varied between 1 and 5 minutes, depending on the points obtained in the previous subdisciplines.

The race began with the female category, in which 12 athletes from Russia, China and Venezuela participated. The competitors performed exceptionally, highlighting the effort and dedication of the Venezuelan athletes, who have demonstrated remarkable conviction and discipline, achieving times that will contribute to the final results of the competition.

Later, the male category began, where 20 athletes from the delegations of Russia, Türkiye, China and Venezuela competed. The competition was intense; the Venezuelan team, for its part, stood out for its excellent physical condition and discipline.

Venezuelan athlete Virgilio Suarez Henriquez, a third-year cadet, who obtained second place in the grenade throwing the day before, commented: “The route was quite tough, but we had the necessary training to maintain it and I made the best effort to do the least amount of time.” He stressed that “in the Pentathlon a camaraderie is created, we are a family at a world level for life.”

Tomorrow we will have a date on the obstacle course with a relay to finish the military pentathlon competition, encouraging our athletes at every step. So far Venezuela has two gold medals and one silver in this discipline.

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